Stemul8 was born out of an intense urge to help children think, explore and discover STEM. Unfortunately, the current academic systems in India simply doesn’t allow Grade 6 to Grade 10 kids to tinker and learn their science. The impetus is on rote learning. This was something that the founder of STEMUL8 - Virendra Paliwal - wanted to change.
Incubated within Experient Science Labs, STEMUL8 is one of the most comprehensive lab-in-a-box concept for students to imbibe the magic of Physics, Chemistry and Biology at their homes. It consists of over 150 experiments, relevant to their grades and applied to the real world. LIVE sessions are offered from grade six to grade ten, inspiring young minds to take up scientific experimentation, tinkering, and exploration with best-in-class tools and guidance from some of the finest faculty.
Incubated within Experient Science Labs, STEMUL8 is one of the most comprehensive lab-in-a-box concept for students to imbibe the magic of Physics, Chemistry and Biology at their homes. It consists of over 150 experiments, relevant to their grades and applied to the real world. LIVE sessions are offered from grade six to grade ten, inspiring young minds to take up scientific experimentation, tinkering, and exploration with best-in-class tools and guidance from some of the finest faculty.