Faculty - Virendra Link​

Virendra Paliwal - Founder, STEMUL8

An engineering and management graduate from VJTI, Mumbai and XLRI, Jamshedpur, Virendra has over 22 years of professional experience working with L&T Ltd., Ramco Systems and Infosys. 

During his 19-year stint with Infosys, Virendra played multiple roles, including Infosys Lab, the R&D unit of Infosys, where his team developed some of the most successful software products by using innovative technology solutions, filed patents and won Infosys Excellence Awards. 

An innovative thinker and executioner of strategy, Virendra is deeply passionate about making experiential learning a reality and change the way science and engineering education is delivered in India. He believes that short-term, memory-based rote learning is not helping students to develop a scientific temperament that is required in today’s 'knowledge and innovation driven’ world. He is committed to providing an environment where students can freely experiment, explore and tinker new concepts and bring ideas to life.